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We finance exceptional business ideas with exceptional teams.


Petrov Holding GmbH helps prominent entrepreneurs realize their ideas and become global players in their market. Serial entrepreneur and online marketing pioneer Sebastian Petrov and his team draw on a wide and ever-expanding network of contacts cultivated over 20 years, a strong financial foundation and the experience and knowledge gained since Sünderhauf entered entrepreneurship at 19 years of age.

With cross-sectoral investments, Petrov Holding GmbH concentrates on businesses with visionary ideas and teams with exceptional professional and personal skills.

Quoted and interviewed
Our investment principles


We invest in ideas and markets with strong potential for future growth – those that can adapt to the present and the future.


We invest in teams that are passionate about their projects. We believe that commitment and courage trump a Harvard degree every time.


We invest in projects that convince us they can add value.

Become a Partner


Tell us about your project and give us an overview of the details. Just fill out the contact form.


If we feel your project is a good fit, we will respond within a week.


Become a partner and succeed with our long-term support.

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Many start-ups have difficulty finding trustworthy investors. As a serial entrepreneur and investor with premises in Munich and Berlin, Sebastian Petrov understands the typical challenges associated with early-stage ventures. He brings a wealth of experience gained over many successful years as a founder and investor.

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